• #2
Found it:
- using the https url I am seeing a CORS error in the javascript console.
- using the file: url I am seeing "Not allowed to load local resource" error in the javascript console.
- using the https url I am seeing a CORS error in the javascript console.
• #3
And for anyone else I got it working locally with:
npm install -g http-server
http-server --cors ./ -
• #4
Great! Glad you got it sorted!
A few days ago someone mentioned that they might have a go at re-adding projects support to the online IDE (it has to be done using a different API) so it may be things get easier in a month or two
I have just moved from the Chrome Web App to using https://www.espruino.com/ide/ and I can't load my custom modules.
I have added to "Settings > Communications > Module URL" however on upload the modules are not found and the console reports:
I have also tried from an https:// address and get the same error. The URL, both file: and https:, are working from another tab in the same brower (Chrome on MacOS).
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?