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  • Hi!
    I'm also new programming bangle.js 2. I'm currently using a modified version of the Run app with different data fields and bigger numbers (I don't show headings names for better legibility). I use vector font like this:
    var fontHeading = "6x8:2"; //scaled bitmap font
    var fontValueSmall = B2 ? "Vector:30" : "Vector:24";
    var fontValueLarge = B2 ? "Vector:50" : "Vector:40";

    ("B2? :" is for choosing different sizes for bangle.js and bangle.js 2.)
    You can arbitrarily change the vector font size, but I believe that are bad for small sizes (that's why I only use vector for the big numbers. In my case I'm going to write a new app with custom bitmap fonts because I only need numbers and a few letters in two different sizes and legibility would be better than vector. For your use case I think vector fonts make more sense.

  • for choosing different sizes for bangle.js and bangle.js 2

    I decided to only create it fir the Bangle 2 for now.

    I actually hard coded the screen size, I know its bad style.


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