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  • Glad you got something working!

    I've been considering adding the Relay capability into the App Loader itself, which could then be run from within Gadgetbridge and would avoid a lot of this messing around I think?

    There is a lot of console noise in the desktop IDE, presumably from Gadgetbridge doing too much for the watch to handle

    End of last year I got flow control into Gadgetbridge, so while it's not in the play store version, nightlies, or the next Play Store release should have the FIFO_FULL fixed.

    Another solution I found

    You could also fork the Web IDE yourself:­DE

    Then I think it might be possible to modify the emulator code quite easily look at the data that is sent from the emulated Bangle (­DE/blob/master/emu/common.js#L187) and implement the HTTP request yourself?

    However when running in a browser you're limited by CORS


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