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  • Hi - right now I think that's your only option. The code itself isn't that bad though. For example:

    var gr = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(24,16,1,{msb:­true});
    var grimg = gr.asImage();
    grimg.transparent = 0;
    for (var i=1;i<=12;i++) {
      var ang = Math.PI*i/6;

    Actually just drawing a bitmap font at an angle is kind of painful to do, so I don't think modifying Espruino would be significantly better that what's done here. There are other possibilities:

    • Vector fonts could be rendered at an angle - but again it requires Espruino mods and vector fonts don't look good small
    • You could store each of the 10 digits as a polyline, and could then use g.transFormVertices and g.drawPoly to draw the lines at the correct angle...

    1 Attachment

    • clock-rotate.png

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