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  • Yeah, it's a bit complicated :-(

    I agree that breaking out the message library functions would be a good idea. My problem with using the message app to pass events on to a custom app, is that the message app still shows as installed, and listed in the launcher. I think this would confuse users.

    Thank you @Rarder44, I've been thinking similar things.

    Is there anything eslse we could do to make it less complicated? Ignoring for a moment what we already have, what would be the best way to handle communications? Do we even need a message library if we change to firing events rather than importing message?

  • the message app still shows as installed, and listed in the launcher

    Good point.

    Do we even need a message library if we change to firing events rather than importing message?

    The library also handles storing messages and buzzing/icons, we don't want to duplicate all that code for every custom app. (And moving it to a module would mean it getting included into boot code)

    Here's an idea: change the metadata.json format to (optionally) inlude app type:

    • split messages into the library: "id":"messages", "type": "messages", and the default app: "id":"msgapp", "type": "app/messages".
    • The android/ios apps then depend on "dependencies": {"messages":"type", "app/messages":"type"}. (Not sure if it already works like this)

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