E.getAnalogVRef() is a bit confusing as that's the voltage regulator voltage - so it'll stay more or less constant 3.3v until the battery completely dies (although I believe the cut-off for the battery is ~3.3v) . analogRead(D3) is what you need, but that doesn't give you a value direct in volts so it's not that handy.
What I'm starting to wonder now, is did the watch originally stop working after something in particular? The only other time high power draw would happen is if the watch has got water inside it (especially salt water) - and that would explain it stopping working in the first place too.
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is a bit confusing as that's the voltage regulator voltage - so it'll stay more or less constant 3.3v until the battery completely dies (although I believe the cut-off for the battery is ~3.3v) .analogRead(D3)
is what you need, but that doesn't give you a value direct in volts so it's not that handy.What I'm starting to wonder now, is did the watch originally stop working after something in particular? The only other time high power draw would happen is if the watch has got water inside it (especially salt water) - and that would explain it stopping working in the first place too.