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  • Greetings!
    Recently, I made a post here regarding a problem with booting, which was solved by factory reset. But, following that, the battery started draining very fast (it would drain completely in less than a day). As, after factory reset, I installed apps I usually used, I thought that some of them might be the cause. However, even after a second factory reset, after which I only installed Gadgetbridge, the battery issue persisted. As you can see in the attached screenshot, the battery discharged down to 20% in just about 16 hours.
    @Gordon, do you know what can cause this? Thanks!

    1 Attachment

    • 0-02-0a-c03000b27478502bde60c5b4af0a0aea131f7a7d81e18bb4952d8efec3c16850_1f80abb864f711.jpg

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