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  • I just stumbled upon­rtikel/2020/10/my-toothbrush-streams-gyr­oscope-data
    It looks quite good documented. My phone provides the same kind of information with the nRF Connect app.

    A quick hack of bledetect using this

      deviceMenu[] = () => { 
    	  NRF.connect("24:e5:xx:xx:xx:xx").then(fu­nction(server) {

    actually shows the device can connect.

    I have to admit that I still don't get the concept of digging further into that (i.e. how to retrieve values from the device). But maybe someone want to take care of it :)

    We might be eventually able to use the brush as a joystick or even show useful information like battery level, showing the mode or a stop watch.


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