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  • Hi! Any update on this? Are more people having this problem?

    Did you actually have a similar issue @Ganblejs and did you figure out the code that was causing the error?

    This error looks a bit odd to me:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "WIDGETS" is not defined
    at line 24 col 17 in .bootcde

    I don't see the code WIDGETS["date"] anywhere in Is date one of your own widgets?

    It seems that you may have copied it in using the Web IDE while it was set to upload to Flash, which overwrote the bootloader?

    The Bangle.js development docs (­pment) mention:

    Note: If you've used Espruino before, make sure the Upload button (middle of the screen) shows RAM underneath it. Otherwise by writing to Flash you can remove the watch's built-in menu (you can just re-add it by removing and installing bootloader using

  • The code WIDGETS["date"] come from the app HRM. This widget is a bit modified to sent Heartrate over BLE to my EspruinoHub. This widget has functioned for more then a year. But after loosing all the apps and widgets i can not install it anymore


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