• how to make a change to a lib.js and get it sent via the IDE to textinput.

    You can write direct to the textinput file but then you'll have to explicitly load(..) your text input app all the time.

    Or... I just put exports={} up the top, then some test code down the bottom like exports.input({text:"Foo"}).then(result => { console.log("Text input", E.toJS(result)); }); and upload to RAM.

    Changed lib.js to use g.theme.fg instead of RED and feel it is easier to read.
    Will do a PR.

    Yes but doesn't the text you're supposed to be writing end up written over the top of the in the FG color, like in the picture you posted in http://forum.espruino.com/comments/16494­559/ ? That makes things look very broken to me.


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