• w more often than not coming out as space

    And you're definitely on 2v13 firmware? I had to make some changes to improve things - but I found that as long as you do use as much of the full height of the display as you can it was ok?

    I think one big issue is that the letters shown are what I recorded in basically one try with my finger on the watch so are a bit wonky. Ideally we need either to actually make the letters programmatically (maybe put them in an SVG and then try and export the strokes with https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs­/Web/API/SVGGeometryElement/getPointAtLe­ngth), or by aggregating the strokes produced by a bunch of different people.

    Personally I don't have the time to get stuck in to that minefield. PRs welcome though ;)

    For instance if you record your 'q' and replace it in the keyboard code and it works better, maybe contribute it back?


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