Yesterday and the day before, before using that "battery drain" code, the battery died before the end of the day
Ahh. Have you been swimming with your Bangle or anything like that which would have got it properly wet? That would probably explain the touchscreen, I2C error, and the short battery life.
Any chance you could take the top strap off the bangle and post up a picture of the hole in the very top? Best if you can try and get it as non-blurry as possible. It's possible yours was one of the Bangles which didn't have a waterproof membrane fitted in which case I'd replace it.
But yes, if it has just broken through normal use I can sort out a replacement, but if you'd got it properly underwater all I can suggest is you let it run out of battery for a while and then put it on a radiator for a week or so to give it as good a chance of drying out as possible.
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Ahh. Have you been swimming with your Bangle or anything like that which would have got it properly wet? That would probably explain the touchscreen, I2C error, and the short battery life.
Any chance you could take the top strap off the bangle and post up a picture of the hole in the very top? Best if you can try and get it as non-blurry as possible. It's possible yours was one of the Bangles which didn't have a waterproof membrane fitted in which case I'd replace it.
But yes, if it has just broken through normal use I can sort out a replacement, but if you'd got it properly underwater all I can suggest is you let it run out of battery for a while and then put it on a radiator for a week or so to give it as good a chance of drying out as possible.