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  • This is more of a plea to Bangle2 developers to take care when selecting colours to use with text. The limited range of colours and limited resolution make it very easy to end up with almost unreadable text.

    The example below is from the current Messages app (v0.20):

    Dithering example

    On the left is the original, on the right is one I've manually un-dithered.

    The green one didn't really need un-dithering. The dithered background colours are black-green, both of which are different to the white text colour. I also suspect that on the watch the solid green won't be a bright lime-green like it is on the PC, but more of a dark green. In that case the white text will still be quite readable, even if the green was solid.

    The other one is very different. It's trying to be gray, but the black-white dithered background in combination with the white text is making the small text in particular almost impossible to read.

    I'm sort of wondering if it was a mistake to have dithering enabled by default, rather than selectively enabled as required? Dithering works quite well on icons, not so much with text.


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