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  • I would say wear it as you usually do, unless you usually wear it very loose so that it slides around your wrist. I know that for some (probably cheaper) watches people do say they need to wear them very tight, but that isn't what we should be aiming for I don't think.

    I will let someone who has more experience with the actual monitors answer about the format, but I suspect CSV is going to be fine.

    Information that will be helpful: which Bangle (the hardware in the kickstarter and non-kickstarter bangle 2 is slightly different), which reference device. What activity and terrain etc. might be useful but not as useful as the reference data itself.

  • Ok, thanks @myownself !

    • What about the settings in the recorder app ? I log gps every 5 seconds, more, less ? I suppose I log hr, bthr and steps, something else ?
    • in the bthr app, I use the settings:
      Use BT HRM: ON
      Replace HRM:off
      Is that fine ? I suppose other settings don't matter.
  • What we need ideally is the raw hrm signal, the accelerometer, and the values from your other hrm. I don't think we have the means to get all of this yet. I'd hold off doing any recordings at the moment. What do you say @Mi?


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