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  • @Gordon I've upgraded to 2v11.44 I do trust you about the process being much better but I don't think the HRM results are close to kind of ok yet. I feel bad about showering your optimism. I'm sitting still and whatever the position of the wrist band on my wrist or front arm the hrm is between 80 and 105 when it should be between 56 and 59. Or is it just my device ?
    @HughB , @myownself and @everyoneinsterested, do we open a different thread to discuss this other app ? I think Gordon's app is a nice base whose main screen could be modified, there could be an extra screen accessed through swipe up/down to access to what myownself described (completion state of specific running activities).
    @HughB I'm far from the technical aspects you described. I don't know how Gordon's app gives the pace as kms/min regularly (it looked very plausible during my last run), but this can be used to give the pace as kms/h, no ?

  • @HughB , @myownself and @everyoneinsterested, do we open a different thread to discuss this other app ? I think Gordon's app is a nice base whose main screen could be modified, there could be an extra screen accessed through swipe up/down to access to what myownself described (completion state of specific running activities).

    You opened a thread previously and you and I described what we had in mind - I suggest that we discuss there. I agree that Gordon's app is a great base.


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