I have been looking for a particular paper that I saw but I can't find it anymore, but I have manages to find this one which I bookmarked https://asp-eurasipjournals.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13634-020-00714-2 and I think is very informative. Maybe we can discuss some approaches and goals sometime?
Heart rate, heart Rate variability and spo2 are the most common, but blood pressure is also possible. Arythmia detection would be interesting too, and breathing rate.
If you can find that, would be great.
What do you have in mind here?
While we must get the basics right first, it might make sense to incorperate in data collection already. I can measure and record SpO2, so do plan to record this for data sets also and see if it can be predicted from bangle2 data.