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  • Yes, I guess if both are using software then the pin states are kept the same - you'll just get the occasional clash if the touch IRQ jumps in at the wrong time.

    I guess in a way a neat longer-term solution would be to add touchRd/touchWr functions like we have for the other sensors on the watch.

  • I guess in a way a neat longer-term solution would be to add touchRd/touchWr functions like we have for the other sensors on the watch.

    that would be nice, or maybe info on swipe event for up/dn and x,y.

    One last question that is a bit irrelevant, is there an easy way to bypass/set longer timeout on the side button's long press action?
    It restarts the watch on long press, is there a way to customize that?

  • It restarts the watch on long press, is there a way to customize that?

    Maybe yes in a hackish way. This is about watchdog interval and stopping kicking it when it is held. So if you will kick watchdog yourself while button is held then you can extend it as you wish.


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