Well I updated to 2v11 yesterday.
Woke up with 1000 steps (must run in my sleep and didn't go for a midnight stroll)
Walked to the car drove to work its 8:50am and I've done 5601 steps 4.2 Km apparently.
I think I walked about 0.2 km of those.I've turned the heart monitor off, 1 cause its not working great and 2 to save power.
don't think you can turn the pedometer off ?
@Mr_Ploppy - need to check how you are getting the step count as there are different ways this might have been done. Are you using the Pedomter widget to get the step count or something else ? If you are not using the Pedometer widget please can you try that ? I'm interested to get to the bottom of this.
Was the 2120 steeps before you drove the car?
I would expect maybe 200 steps on waking up, but it depends if you walk after midnight.