Avatar for Mr_Ploppy


Member since Jan 2022 • Last active Mar 2022
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Mr_Ploppy

    So we have 3 different outcomes from three uses.

    Mine does shows a gadgetbridge notification and that's all yes.

    Don't know why Nicoboss gets his to work though, you would want it to override the mute setting in theory.

    But I get more than johan_m_o

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Mr_Ploppy


    The android app has a "Find Phone" option. On or off.
    I assume it should make phone shout for my attention. But all it seems to do is bing once, and I can see a gadgetbridge notification saying Find my phone. So it does do something, but not anything helpfull. So the question is, what an I missing? Can't change the notification sound from the bing.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Mr_Ploppy

    Hi there is some extra log files. The 2 train ones should come to very low step counts. The 2 walking ones my pebble had at 600 and 500 steps.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Mr_Ploppy


    Here's your log file. Ran it for a minute rather than 10, long time to hold it in the sweet spot. But I did get it to log about 60+ steps in that time frame.

    If you need longer let me know.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Mr_Ploppy

    Is the AC-DC version on the horizon?
    Not a fan of Analogue faces, mainly cause I can't read them well.

    Also if you have a clock face with a second hand I assume battery use is higher as it has to redraw every second ?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Mr_Ploppy

    Thanks for the challenge Gordon.
    This took me quite a few attempts to get it to do it and film it.


    From the accelerometer graph movement must be in the micron range but still counts as a steps.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Mr_Ploppy

    So this morning Bangle had 1000 steps, Pebble had 46.
    Drove to work and Bangle on 4000 Pebble on 1200

    It will still spontaneously count steps on the clockface too, if you have it at the right angle.

    lock: {

    area: "tl",
    width: 0,
    draw: function (w) { ... },
    x: 0, y: 0 },

    bat: {

    area: "tr",
    width: 40,
    draw: function () { ... },
    x: 135, y: 0 },

    widid: {

    area: "tr",
    width: 16,
    draw: function () { ... },
    x: 119, y: 0 },

    bluetooth: {

    area: "tr",
    width: 15,
    draw: function () { ... },
    changed: function () { ... },
    x: 104, y: 0 },

    widmoon: {

    area: "tr",
    width: 24,
    draw: function () { ... },
    x: 80, y: 0 },

    wpedom: {

    area: "tl",
    width: 75,
    getWidth: function () { ... },
    redraw: function () { ... },
    draw: function () { ... },
    reload: function () { ... },
    getSteps: function (undefined) { ... },
    x: 0, y: 0 },

    messages: {

    area: "tl",
    width: 0, iconwidth: 23,
    draw: function () { ... },
    show: function (quiet) { ... },
    hide: function () { ... },
    buzz: function () { ... },
    touch: function (b,c) { ... },
    x: 75, y: 0 },

    alarm: {

    area: "tl",
    width: 0,
    draw: function () { ... },
    reload: function () { ... },
    x: 75, y: 0 }


  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Mr_Ploppy

    Took me several attempts to actually film it. Not enough hands to hold everything. But this might explain a few values. Only does it at certain angles I think.

