• I suspect we do not get response because a) we call requests incorrectly.

    Sure - but the Bangle 1 GPS chip would respond with a NACK if you sent a badly constructed command. So the fact that we get no response at all means either a) the Bangle is not configured to send the commands or receive the responses (this could be a HW or SW issue) or b) the chip has to be put into some mode to respond to the requests c) the chip does not support these commands for some reason. But having found the smoking gun on the Assisted GPS data app - it looks like they are supported.

  • @HughB, Bangle 1 GPS chip is swiss UBlox. Much more accurately documented. This chinese ZhongKe AT6558 is completely different beast, barely documented even in Mandarine.
    What chip is your AGPS example is for? Could you share?
    Also, in your example I think you moved 0x06 to 16 bits. It needs to be moved to 24. Like this



    >((0x06<<24) + (0x00<<16)).toString(16);

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