• I just updated my Bangle.js 2 to firmware 2v11 - but now, the app loader no longer allows me to do anything. Since the error messages ("toasts") disappear after a few seconds (could that be changed, please!), I had to look into the browser debug console for more information. Here is what I found there:

    Chosen device BANGLEJS2
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Device Name:       Bangle.js 8636
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Device ID:         C6uV/VXV/s05Mi2CwS5cWw==
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Connected
    comms.js:151 <COMMS> Ctrl-C gave "\r\u001b[J        let date=new Date();g.reset();g.clearRect(0,24,239,239);g.setColor...\r\n              ^\r\ndebug>"
    comms.js:186 <COMMS> ERROR Parsing JSON SyntaxError: Unexpected token I in JSON at position 0
    comms.js:187 <COMMS> Actual response:  "In debug mode: Expected a simple ID, type 'help' for more info.\r"
    ui.js:86 <TOAST>[error] Device connection failed, Invalid JSON
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Disconnected (gattserverdisconnected)
    comms.js:260 <COMMS> removeAllApps start
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Device Name:       Bangle.js 8636
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Device ID:         C6uV/VXV/s05Mi2CwS5cWw==
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Connected
    comms.js:265 <COMMS> removeAllApps: received "In debug mode: Expected a simple ID, type 'help' for more info.\r"
    ui.js:86 <TOAST>[error] App removal failed, Got "In debug mode: Expected a simple ID, type 'help' for more info."
    2puck.js:406 <BLE> Disconnected (gattserverdisconnected)
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Device Name:       Bangle.js 8636
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Device ID:         C6uV/VXV/s05Mi2CwS5cWw==
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Connected
    comms.js:151 <COMMS> Ctrl-C gave ""
    puck.js:406 <BLE> SEND ERROR: NotSupportedError: GATT operation failed for unknown reason.
    2puck.js:406 <BLE> Disconnected (gattserverdisconnected)
    comms.js:265 <COMMS> removeAllApps: received null
    puck.js:406 <BLE> Disconnected (gattserverdisconnected)
    ui.js:86 <TOAST>[error] App Install failed, 

    Basically, the watch claims to be "in debug mode" which is why the App Loader does not get the expected JSON.

    If I connect to the watch using the Web IDE and then type "help" into its left side, I get the response "help" is not defined:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "help" is not defined
     at line 1 col 1

    I already reset my smartwatch several times, without any luck.
