Ok, that's an odd one. Just 1 second should do it, or if the watch had crashed, 10+ seconds would reboot it.
However you say there's no voltage across the watch contacts? What about the middle two? That actually seems to be a good way of seeing if there's power on the watch - if there is no voltage there then the CPU isn't powered at all and it could be some kind of battery failure.
Did you see the watch battery level getting low? I'm just wondering whether something other than the battery running flat caused the display to go blank... Had you got the Bangle quite wet at some point earlier?
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Ok, that's an odd one. Just 1 second should do it, or if the watch had crashed, 10+ seconds would reboot it.
However you say there's no voltage across the watch contacts? What about the middle two? That actually seems to be a good way of seeing if there's power on the watch - if there is no voltage there then the CPU isn't powered at all and it could be some kind of battery failure.
Did you see the watch battery level getting low? I'm just wondering whether something other than the battery running flat caused the display to go blank... Had you got the Bangle quite wet at some point earlier?