So my Bangle.js 2 ran out of battery this morning. No biggie, except now it doesn't seem like it wants to charge anymore.
I tested the contacts on the charge cable, and I see 5.25V across the 2 outer ones.
No voltage across any of the contacts behind the watch, and the third one (counting from the button side) is slightly corroded.
Watch has a black screen and is unresponsive when I press the button.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
So my Bangle.js 2 ran out of battery this morning. No biggie, except now it doesn't seem like it wants to charge anymore.
I tested the contacts on the charge cable, and I see 5.25V across the 2 outer ones.
No voltage across any of the contacts behind the watch, and the third one (counting from the button side) is slightly corroded.
Watch has a black screen and is unresponsive when I press the button.
Any way I can force it to charge?