• #2
I think it takes a bit to update, when my pull request was done it was a day or so before it popped up
• #3
Btw very cool watch face, I am not smart enough to use it but it is very cool nonetheless
• #4
Yes, I update banglejs.com/apps manually which makes it less likely it breaks - it's surprisingly often I merge a PR and then found it broke something :)
I'll update tomorrow probably but until then there's the development version at https://espruino.github.io/BangleApps/
• #5
@cpe1074tks By the way, I tested the watch face on my Bangle.js 2 and it only showed a blank screen. Haven't troubleshooted anything, but wanted to give a heads-up.
• #6
thanks for the feedback. The background image is not loaded to the watch. Therefor it does not work. Do I have to specify this somewhere which files are uploaded ? Or do I better integrate the image as a string into the applet ?
• #7
Do I have to specify this somewhere which files are uploaded?
Yes - that's what goes in the
entry for the app inapps.json
. You can't upload the png images directly - you need to have converted them to binary. Easiest method is just to use the Web IDE to take the existing image files off your watch and save them to files.I think given the image is for the entire background it's better to leave it as a file rather than loading it in the source. For smaller images I'd say definitely just stick them in the JS though
I just created an app for BJ2, pull-request is finished, files are visible on github (banglejs) but the app does not appear in under banglejs.com/apps
Is there something else that has to be done ?
This is the link to the app on github:
the entry in apps.json seems also to be ok.
I see this also for other apps which are in apps.json (or have been on open pull request), with the files in but they do not appear on the apps.
Any idea ?