• #3
Do you have any custom watch faces? Anything that might be using
?What could be happening is stuff's being written to the console and then when the message is sent to Gadgetbridge there's still something like
left on the input line.That's something Gadgetbridge could probably be made to filter out, but it might be that just sending a newline char before the message would fix it?
• #4
The previous version of findphone printed a newline but it didn't make any difference.
When I encountered this issue I tested against the settings app and found the same issue and that the presence of the "\n" made no difference in findphone and was not present in the settings app version.
I only have 3 clocks installed, wave s7clck and pastel. Non have console.log in them.
I wonder if anyone else has noticed this ?
Whilst working on Findphone to make it work with Bangle 2 I have come across a strange issue. I first thought I had broken Findphone but have observed the same problem in Settings. It seems that you have to click on ON twice when using Findphone in the Settings App when Gadgetbridge is installed to get the phone to start ringing. Its as if the very first Bluetooth message is lost.