• #2
Wow, ok - thanks. So it was definitely up to date firmware - I knew there were issues with 2v08 at least when Storage got full, but thought those were fixed.
But you're pretty sure Storage wasn't full even so. Is it possible that any other app yo had running could have called
? -
• #3
Storage should have been pretty empty. Only App running was Accellog, widpedom and a couple of other widgets like widbt etc. Would have expected used RAM to be less than 70% used. Kitchen Combo would have been unloaded from ram, that can go up to 80% ram. Watch was just logging me sat at the desk working. Just noticed that it had frozen. Being fairly religeous now about deleting any old accellog files in case they push things over the edge. Its not happenned since and have done a couple of other 1 hour logs since then.
• #4
I guess it's possible that Storage was in need of a compaction (it's journalling so deleting files doesn't actually delete them until there's a compaction). Even so that should be fine.
Is it possible that more than one app/widget was using
s at a time, but again that has been tested... If you ever find out a way to reproduce this, please let me know! -
• #5
If you ever find out a way to reproduce this, please let me know!
Sure - its a bit elusive.
With FM 2.10.09 (might have been 2.10.15).
Was attempting tog capture a 1 hour log of accelerometer data and had a freeze on Bangle 1 after 1 hour.
The App just frooze, nothing was updating on the screen.
On BTN3 reset came up with 'no clock found'
When connected through IDE - found a corrupt file with a filename of digits.
Deleted it and re-installed Bangle via AppLoader / About / Install My Favourites.
And recovered watch Apps / Configuration.
I only had a few Apps in the Storage and no other data so should have been enought storage for 2 hours of accellog data ?
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