@sebi I don't know how plainly we may request, please post the file that is being uploaded as in post #35 Let's rule out that code block, or upload the default code block and provide the default file error output.
I would like to help but I still cannot figure out how to do what you ask for...
You mean post 25 right? (post 35 is mine with some screenshots.)Steps:
Orange Connect Button :: EmulatorDone!
Carret inside Emulator Window
Fn+F5Carret? Fn+F5 is to brighten the keyboard on my computer??
What I understand is: select the Emulator Window and refresh it.Done!
I am not familiar with the Developer console and I don't know how to generate the log files the way you did. Instead I took some screenshots and posted them in the forum. With further explanations I can try to post what you ask for.
If by "the file that is being uploaded" you mean the file that is being sent from the WebIDE right panel to the emulator, this file can be empty. If you ask for the file that is being executed by Chrome, it is supposed to be the one obtained when navigating to http://www.espruino.com/ide/. I hope my computer does not interfere with that file and leaves it genuine (no addon modifies it). Maybe there is a way to save a copy of the exact code that is being executed by Chrome and this is what you ask for?
Regarding the refresh process, I couldn't try it to verify it but, from what I understand, if the Emulator is working properly and you refresh that Emulator screen, you will lose the connection with the WebIDE resulting in a white screen for the Emulator. Is this correct?
So one hypothesis would be that my Emulator window gets refreshed unintentionally at start leading to a connection loss, right?Thanks @TTBangler for trying to help too!
Sun 2021.08.29
from post #48 'I hope my computer does not interfere with that file and leaves it genuine'
@sebi my intent was to isolate whether the refresh you are explaining is a result of the code file sent to the emulator, or is it the PC configuration itself.
Here is the default content that loads to the R-Hand editor side of the IDE when pointing the browser to http://www.espruino.com/ide/
(first 50 lines only)
Bangle.setLCDPower(1); Bangle.setLCDTimeout(0); var scenes = [ function() { y = -100; var step = 4; var i = setInterval(function() { y+=step; if (y>70) { clearInterval(i); i = undefined; } g.clearRect(0,y-(step+1),240,y-1); g.drawImage(Bangle.getLogo(),0,y); }, 20); Bangle.setLCDMode(); g.clear(); return function() { if (i) clearInterval(i); }; }, function() { var txt = [" ____ _ \n"+ "| __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ \n"+ "| __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . |\n"+ "|____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___|\n"+ " |_| espruino.com\n\n", "The JavaScript Interpreter for uCs\n", " * On-chip JS Interpreter", " * GPS, Acclerometer, Compass", " * 64 MHz, 64kB RAM, 512kB + 4MB Flash", " * 240x240 IPS LCD", " * Speaker & Vibration motor", " * Bluetooth LE", " * 1 week battery life", "", "Includes:", " * Tensorflow AI", " * Bluetooth LE central & periph", " * Graphics Library", " * VT100 terminal", "","","" ]; var n=0; var i = setInterval(function() { Terminal.println(txt[n]); n++; if (n>=txt.length) {
When I look at your screenshot in post #35L28 const pixels =
clearly is not the default file at which L28 prints out part of the Espruino Banner.
At this point I can only surmise the code block being uploaded is potentially problematic.
Do you see the above code block with a fresh start of the browser pointing to http://www.espruino.com/ide/ ?
Sat 2021.08.28
Replying to post #45
Following @Gordon s steps as indicated in post #43 uploading the default code file works flawlessly for me also as has been previously explained.
It still hasn't been explained what is being done to cause the 'Refresh' in the emulator.
@sebi I don't know how plainly we may request, please post the file that is being uploaded as in post #35 Let's rule out that code block, or upload the default code block and provide the default file error output.
Although I'm running a USA English version of Windows10 with no virtual PC, I have the same app versions as were indicated in post #45 less 'Windows is running under Bootcamp' and 'MacBook Pro'