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Member since Sep 2019 • Last active May 2023
  • 7 conversations


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  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for sebi

    The Puck 2.0 was bought on September, the 27th 2021 from GO TRONIC SAS in France.
    A Second one was bought on December, the 8th 2021, which was also version 2.0.
    Currently they are out of stock, so I believe it was an old batch they were selling at that time...

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for sebi

    A colleague (Philippe Ardit) and I are working on an AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) based on the Puck.js 2.0 (or 2.1) (as 1.0 is not equipped with an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)).

    This is a complete novel field for us and I was wondering if some people out there have already developed such a system?

    Preliminary code from Philippe for the Puck.js is available at: github.com/PhilippeArdit/espruinoSandBox > Some test results > Some Espruino tests (I2C scan, AHRS cube, ...)

    You need to click on this latest link, to select Puck.js, click on connect (pair your specific Puck.js) and then on Show AHRS Cube, to try the code that shows a cube moving in coordination with the Puck.js. (Press reset to stop the Puck.js from emitting.)

    It is inspired from the Bangle.js Data Streaming > Bonus 3D Rendering Espruino original tutorial code, with main differences being that:

    However, we are not satisfied with the performances: Mainly because making a full rotation about whatever axis doesn't bring back the original orientation in the display.

    Certainly the magnetometers should be incorporated to be able to track a direction in the horizontal plane, but other inconsistencies make us think that filters, refreshing rates, or whatever other parameters or algorithms need to be implemented/tuned in a better way.

    Any help would be appreciated~~


  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for sebi

    After noticing some sporadic deconnections of my Puck.js 2.0b from BLE while manipulating it, I had a closer look at it and discovered that the metallic plate supposed to hold the battery in place was disconnected on one of its side. Hear me out: the PCB copper parts are not teared out, but the factory soldering process seems not to have worked optimally to hold the battery plate in place (see below picture). I think this is a quality issue (even though, I confess, I might have removed the battery too many times without taking too much care while doing it), and this should be addressed for new batches I believe. On my Puck.js, some soldering should do the fix. I also noticed that on my Puck.js 1.0e, the battery holding plate is mounted using through holes, which might be a tougher solution.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for sebi

    I am also getting some errors with my custom Bangle.js App Loader:
    It works fine on my personal Github.io pages
    ...but it doesn't work as expected on my local Synology server.
    (I prefer this solution to avoid waiting for Github.io pages to update.)

    Hence, when I select Bangle.js 2 no app is shown in the list of available apps. See below messages:

    I can view all the apps, if I select All Apps instead of Bangle.js 2 though.
    I can connect to my Bangle but the apps already on it appear this way in the App Loader:

    Did anyone encounter such issues?

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for sebi

    Thank you Gordon for your prompt and precise answer, as always!
    It sounds very promising: 53B/7.5ms = 7kB/s = 6.9KiB/s

    Do you think catching the escape sequence (pause + key word) will decrease this throughput substantially due to Espruino overheads?

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for sebi

    Do you have any clues if this modest throughput (1-2.7KB/s) is due to BLE limitations or more to the Espruino interpreter slowing down the transmission process?

    I am thinking of coding a simple BLE-serial passthrough adapter based on the examples provided. I would like it mostly to transmit data, but also to react to a specific sequence (key word after a given rest period in that data flux ~AT commands), to toggle a pin. Do you have any idea on how it should perform compared to other BLE-serial devices out there (like the HM-10) regarding throughput?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for sebi

    edit: this also explains why a refresh worked for me - everything would already have been cached by the second reload, even if I could get it to break the very first time I tried it.

    It's not that important now that the emulator is working again, but still, I wonder why this trick didn't work for me too...

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for sebi

    Hurray!! You are a boss Gordon!! It is working again!

    Indeed for a year only, I moved to a place with a low speed connection, certainly when I noticed the problem...

    Thank you!
