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  • >process.memory(); ={ free: 1175, usage: 925, total: 2100, history: 7, gc: 483, gctime: 6.43920898437, blocksize: 16, stackEndAddress: 536922232, flash_start: 0, flash_binary_end: 456948, flash_code_start: 1610612736, flash_length: 524288 }

    Is it accurate for me to do : 2100 * 16 == 33,600 bytes.
    Max memory usage for Javascript space is 33600?
    Its true bangle.js has 64 * 1000 bytes or 64 * 1024 bytes ram?

    Does it make sense to take 64,000 - 33,600 = 30,400. And claim 30400 bytes are set aside for the firmware(espruino) to use, outside of Javascript?

    I wanted to know exact numbers so that I can calculate memory usage with math based on the data I wish to use.


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