• #2
Good article, very cool to see the dotmatrix clock and the calculator app in the pictures. I think it's just awesome being a part of the community! :-)
• #3
Wow, thanks for posting - it looks like a really good article.
Actually it's really nice to see that among those pictures the only JS app I'd written that's installed there is the little Bluetooth status widget, everything else either came directly or has been massively improved by the community :)
There is a nice test of bangle https://www.golem.de/news/bangle-js-im-test-die-smartwatch-fuer-bastler-2006-148951.html
It's a german page, it starts with:
The Bangle.js by Espruino inventor Gordon Williams is charmingly different from conventional Smartwatches - and invites you to tinker and program.
BTW, I've something in mind about replacing watchstrap (?)