So a complete, patient reboot, and being persistent on making the connection gets me here.
The web-serial and ble connection both work, which is ideal. Can't be sure what I did, except the Jlink OB fimrware off the Nordic webpage, and Espruino V2.01 can be made work on Ubuntu 16.04, and the latest Chrome.
The web-ble connection seems to be considerably slower than the web-usb, which I did not notice last time.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
So a complete, patient reboot, and being persistent on making the connection gets me here.
The web-serial and ble connection both work, which is ideal. Can't be sure what I did, except the Jlink OB fimrware off the Nordic webpage, and Espruino V2.01 can be made work on Ubuntu 16.04, and the latest Chrome.
The web-ble connection seems to be considerably slower than the web-usb, which I did not notice last time.
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