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  • My code:

    var foo = `bar`;

    If I paste it on the left side of the IDE (Web IDE version 0.70.6) it works fine, if I try to upload it from the edit panel it gives the error message "Error: Line 1: Unexpected token ILLEGAL".

    I'm using more complex strings also containing both single and double quotes, e.g.

    var foo = `console.log('This is "cool".');`; 
    var bar =`Line1

    A workaround would be var foo = 'console.log("This is \\\"cool\\\".");'; and
    bar="Line1\nLine2", but that's hard to write. What's the cause of this error?

  • Strange, works for me with 71.3.
    Do you have minification turned on? Esprima (offline) doesn't like the ` character: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined". Online (closure compiler) minification works.
    Try upgrading to the latest web ide :)


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