I'd contact Segger/Taiyo Yuden about how to write hex files to the device. Usually just connecting GND, SWDIO, SWDCLK and VCC is enough to get it working - the error you're getting isn't specific to Espruino.
Other thing you could try is a full-chip erase - I've seen some companies set the readout protect flag on their modules by default, which messes up a 'normal' upload.
When you've managed to get any hex file successfully sent to the module then you could try the nRF52832DK hex file and see if that works.
However I should point out that if you want a module that 'just works' with Espruino then we actually sell pre-programmed MDBT42 modules: http://www.espruino.com/MDBT42Q
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Just moved to the 'Other Boards' section.
I'd contact Segger/Taiyo Yuden about how to write hex files to the device. Usually just connecting GND, SWDIO, SWDCLK and VCC is enough to get it working - the error you're getting isn't specific to Espruino.
Other thing you could try is a full-chip erase - I've seen some companies set the readout protect flag on their modules by default, which messes up a 'normal' upload.
When you've managed to get any hex file successfully sent to the module then you could try the nRF52832DK hex file and see if that works.
However I should point out that if you want a module that 'just works' with Espruino then we actually sell pre-programmed MDBT42 modules: http://www.espruino.com/MDBT42Q