Mon 2018.08.13
@AdaMan82 to add to what @allObjects points out in above #14, and before your foray into 100+ hours of 3d printing, have you considered the following for the power supply. As you haven't indicated the number of pixels in the strip length, I'm making the following observation based on the following 1 meter strip - Total pixels, 32:
to @Gordon 's point in #15
in link 2nd pp:"You must use a 5V DC power supply to power these strips; do not use
higher than 6V, or you will destroy the entire strip. Yikes!"Using four Alkaline batteries might be a bit much (4 x 1.5V =6V), but rechargebles are lesser capacity (4 x 1.2V = 4.8V)
E = I x R
volt = current x resistance
P = I x E
watt = amp x volt
So, how many LED's can we safely handle with 4 AA's? How long will those batteries last?
We'll be conservative, pick an easy math value and use 2000mAh at 3.0W
We then may calculate the current at 3.0W / 1.5V = 2A This checks with the datasheet thenWe also note that capacity drops as immediate power demands increase.
I'm seeking a maximum discharge continuous rating suggested, . . . not 'infinite' as some will suggest ;-)Insert:
Did find this:Max Discharge Rate 2.0A continuous, 3.0A pulse (2sec on / 8 sec off)
A discharge rate of 500mA would provide 4 hrs at 0.75W, which could power 25 LEDs
500mA / 20mA(eaLED) = 25 LEDs
Check: If max cap is 3W then how many 3/4W for how long?
3W / 0.75W/hr = 4hr
Could a battery supply 2A continuous?
2A x 1.5V = 3W
That would be a drain for 100 LEDs at 3W Getting warm, aren't we!
2000mA / 20mA(eaLED) = 100 LEDs
Under ideal conditions at room temperature a single AA cell could power 25 LEDs for four hours.
Note that at least two cells are needed in series to exceed forward voltage dropThis means that, when the LEDs are full on, a four AA cell battery pack could supply 100 LEDs for four hours.
2000mA x 4 x 1.5V = 12W max output
Check: 4 AA x 3W = 12W
Easy analysis shows that this is also 40 LEDs for 10 hr
Then for the Neopixel strip above,
Demand 32 x 20mA = 640mA2000mA / 640mA = 3.125hr
4 cells x 3.125 = 12.5hr
Check: This is close to our 40 LEDs for 10 hr calculation
The Pico usage is negligible at 32mA/hr
Make sure your conceptual project guidelines allow for this battery holder design before firing up the 3D printer. :-0
Otherwise as allObjects suggests a 5V Regulated supply would be the best alternative. . . .
Thr 2018.08.16
Clarification - The Neopixel calculation above is for a single LED color. When displaying pure white however,require("neopixel").write(B15, [255,255,255]);
all three LED diodes are on, thus trippling the current demand.
Demand 32 x (3 x 20mA) = 1920mA2000mA / 1920mA = 1.04hr
4 cells x 1.04 = 4.17hr
Good point on the data sheet. I guess that makes the most sense. The issue applied on both with USB + battery and just battery pack. The working version does not use pinMode(B15,"af_opendrain").
My programming background is basically VB in HS, some random C/C++/C# and excel macros, so hardly a pro. Just a baseline knowledge to make things happen.
Either way, after overcoming the issue above, I have actually completely finished (the electronics part anyways) my project, and a aside from a brief flash at startup as it conducts onInit() and blacks everything out, which ultimately confirms that its turning on, it works perfectly.
Now for the frigging 100 hours of 3d printing the pieces its going into.