• #52
Thank you @Gordon for understanding. Like i said in my previous message, our goal is to personalis the user’s BT for an instore customer recognition and seamless service. Just like the old tv show called CHEERS (you go where everybody knows your name) but with tap on your Bluetooth, Hello Gordon welcome back to XYZ store/airport/office/healthcare/ & etc. about the web Bluetooth’s limited features/issues, I hope we find a solution soon or perhaps add web socket for device registration and then hopefully get @daphtdazz’s WebBle to detect and display nearby registered devices. I’d love to work with you and @daphtdazz if possible and find a solution together... we truely want to take the web Bluetooth feature to a whole different level but opportunities are quite limited in Australia just like the re pairing issues hahaha. Thank you, your feedback much appreciated.
• #53
OK, so if I understand straight:
- Customer buys BLE tag or some other small device, say a keyring fob
- Customer downloads your app, or uses your webpage, then hits the "register device" button and registers their BLE device with your service.
- (your service maintains a database of UUIDs of bluetooth devices associated with customers)
- (your service maintains a database of UUIDs of bluetooth devices associated with customers)
- Customer enters store with their BLE device
- POS automatically detects it and loads up their details.
Are you making your own BLE devices? If so, then a way around the randomization of the UUID would be to expose your own GATT service on the device which exposes a persistent ID, and use that instead of the UUID. Then you could easily use WebBLE to do the registration with no further modification (this is what is suggested in the spec).
- Customer buys BLE tag or some other small device, say a keyring fob
• #54
Hello @daphtdazz. Thank you for your replying. Almost right. Just edited your version.
Customer uses their preferred BLE device eg phone and wearable device to register.
Customer does not require to download any mobile apps, and correct uses webpage, then hits the "register device" button and registers their BLE device with your service.
(Our service maintains a database of UUIDs of bluetooth devices associated with customers- correct).
Customer enters store with their BLE device ON, the
POS automatically detects and downloads their details eg photo, name for seamless customer service. No we are not making our BLE devices , no downloadable consumer mobile apps, just a retail pos app. We would love to use your WebBle to detect and display user’s info & photo. I have sent you an email couple of months ago and not sure if it reached you. Here’s my email (iserarbg@gmail.com) and would love to have more thorough discussion. I’ll also email you back my Australian number. Cheers mate. -
• #55
@daphtdazz Hey, it looks like application cache isn't supported... Is that right?
any hint about changing this in the future? Looks like Safari is a little ways off from a replacement right now...
https://jakearchibald.github.io/isserviceworkerready/ -
• #56
Application cache is being deprecated, right? So I assume you mean service workers.
I’m afraid I don’t know any better than you! Basically WebBLE will support it when it’s rolled out by Apple on mobile Safari and applications that use WebKit. Looks like they’re on it though.
Sorry I can’t help more!
• #57
@daphtdazz Hey, there's an issue with the way webble resolves this address. Seems to work on safari, ios, and chrome. Give it a try!... smarteggdrop.omsi.edu
"Fail Provisional Navigation: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made."
1 Attachment
• #58
From a quick look it seems that it’s something to do with the redirect; if you just go straight to https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/smarteggdrop.omsi.edu/index.html it seems to work fine. I’ll see if there’s some configuration option I can tweak when I have some time. You may be able to fix it by tweaking the SSL settings you’re using too.
• #59
Dear WEBBLE author,
I have a working JS (attached) running on an Samsung Android tab. In order to make it work on iPhone also, I just purchased your WEBBLE App but the JS is not working on your App.
- Option filter cannot filter prefix
- No services can be found.
I have double check that it can run in my Samsung Android Chrome. Can you help me?
1 Attachment
- Option filter cannot filter prefix
• #60
Hi @user93698,
is not supported by WebBLE yet, but it should supportnamePrefix
, but there seems to be a bug in the code meaning it's not working... I'm planning to make a release in a couple of weeks so will put the fix in with that, and might be able to implementoptionalServices
at the same time. -
• #61
@user93698 I raise https://github.com/daphtdazz/BleBrowser/issues/8 to track this. For now you can workaround by setting
to true and filtering in the app.
Gotcha - I find that frustrating too. At the moment that's not part of the Web Bluetooth spec, but it would make a lot of sense if they could add something... I guess you could try hassling the team at Google that's working on Web Bluetooth?
Honestly if you're targeting iOS specifically you might be better off writing your own app - or I don't know @daphtdazz's availability, but he might be available for contract work to create you a custom app based on WebBLE that allowed persistence?
I can't speak for him, but I'd imagine that adding non-spec-compliant stuff to the app for free might not really be in his best interests :)