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  • I think this question might have been about standard Bluetooth, which is slightly different.

    Puck.js is Bluetooth LE, and since Bluetooth LE itself doesn't connect to the internet you need a 'bridge'. Right now you can do that using the Espruino Hub software though:­xy

    However it is quite limited at the moment because there are only around 20 bytes available for the URL and the returned data, and you can't make Puck.js a server.

    At some point I'll add IPv6 to Puck.js, and then with the correct hub software you'll have full internet access - but Bluetooth LE is not a fast radio standard, so internet access via BLE will always be slow. Something like a Web Crawler should really be done over WiFi - not only would BLE be slow, but you'd run down the battery in no time at all!


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