• If I just do:

      0x180D: [ 99 ],
      0x1809: [ 30 ],

    Then when I disconnect and re-scan in nRF connect I see:

    Service Data: UUID: 0x180D Data: 0x63
    Temperature: 30 C

    And if I do:

      0x180F : [ 95 ],
      0x1809: [ 30 ],

    I see:

    Battery Level: 95%
    Temperature: 30 C

    So Puck.js seems to be advertising everything just fine. Is it possible that the heart rate service isn't meant to be an advertisement, but is meant to be a service that you add with NRF.setServices?

    • Services: only available when you connect
    • Advertisements: broadcast to the world when you're not connected

    It seems more likely it's a service, since you maybe don't want to broadcast your heartrate to anyone that's listening?

    You can always click RAW in nRF Connect and can see the complete advertising data if you want to compare your Pebble's advertising data with Puck.js.

    @gomako: I'm pretty sure that blood pressure will be a service, not advertising.

    In setAdvertising if you supply a raw array, it just advertises that data - for the format you need to delve into the Bluetooth spec. Normally you'd supply an object though as I have above, and Puck.js creates that array for you automatically.


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