• #27
I know this is a very old thread, but I was still having issues. In the end I made a horrible kludge to make mine work. I bridged 19/20 on the OLED as suggested but it still didn't work, but when I was poking about, it seems if I
the display all seems to work! A bit odd and I don't understand it, but it's working for me now. I do have to callflip()
every time I want the display to update.EDIT I am such a div. You do actually have to call flip anyway. RTFM!
• #28
Oops - actually Dave CJ reported a problem and I thought I fixed it, but stupidly didn't test it.
I actually have dug out a display and tested, and I've now fixed the problem properly. If you upload again it should now work...
Stupidly, when I made the changes to make it also use SPI I deleted some constants I thought weren't needed. They were :(