• Great - glad you got it working! If you didn't mind sharing in publicly it'd be good if you could just post the code up here?

  • Hello, tell a beginner: TCS3472x I2C Color Sensor Library https://www.espruino.com/TCS3472x

    How does it work?
    Is it already installed in the Espruino ide or do I need to create a library as a separate file? Or do I need to download it(where)?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hello, tell a beginner: TCS3472x I2C Color Sensor Library https://www.espruino.com/TCS3472x

    How does it work?
    Is it already installed in the Espruino ide or do I need to create a library as a separate file? Or do I need to download it(where)?

    Thank you in advance.


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