• Espruino's HTTP GET does close the socket right after requesting a page (it tests via content length)... Adding the ability to leave the socket open to request more stuff just seemed like overkill.

    Can you not just do:

    var data = "";
    response.on("data", function(d) {
    response.on("close", function() {
       print("Available = " + data);

    That's what is shown in all the examples...

    But you're saying that if you don't have a data handler, you don't get close called? That could be a bug.

    Thing is, even if it worked, doing what you're doing would be a really bad idea - so as not to fill up Espruino's memory if you're not reading data, serial/sockets/etc only buffer ~500 bytes worth of data, and chuck away the rest. You're best off having a data handler, and manually saving away the data as it arrives.


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