• #2
I did a menu on an LCD - there's an old version of the code in this thread over here, though I haven't updated the code there to the latest version I'm using, and I don't have it in github for some stupid reason:
https://www.hackster.io/azzy/adjustable-color-temperature-desk-lamp (there's also a thread here on it but the code on hackster is newer, I think)
It's sort of ugly though. I avoid switch-case whenever possible - my track record with writing switch/case statements and not screwing them up is miserable.
• #3
I actually had a menu library I'd fiddled with myself. I'll see if I can dig it out. Personally, I stored the whole menu as structure where the values were functions that got executed when selected, something like:
var myMenu2 = { "A Title":0, "Back":function() {set_menu(myMenu); }, }; var myMenu = { "Main Menu Title":0, "A Submenu":function() { set_menu(myMenu2); }, "Run some code":function() { ... } };
It made it relatively simple and easy to read. The menu code then just iterates over the object's fields and draws them, then when selected it runs the function.
• #4
Ok, just dug it out:
var exports = {}; exports.list = function(g, items) { var options = items[""]; if (!(options instanceof Object)) options = {}; if (options.selected === undefined) options.selected = 0; if (!options.fontHeight) options.fontHeight = 6; var y = 0|options.y; if (options.title) y += options.fontHeight+2; var menuItems = Object.keys(items).slice(1); // remove first item var l = { draw : function() { g.clear(); g.setColor(-1); if (options.title) { g.drawString(options.title,(g.getWidth()-g.stringWidth(options.title))/2,y-options.fontHeight-2); g.drawLine(0,y-2,g.getWidth(),y-2); } var rows = 0|Math.min((g.getHeight()-y) / options.fontHeight,menuItems.length); var idx = E.clip(options.selected-rows/2,0,menuItems.length-rows); var iy = y; while (rows--) { if (idx==options.selected) { g.fillRect(0,iy,g.getWidth()-1,iy+options.fontHeight-1); g.setColor(0); } g.drawString(menuItems[idx++],0,iy); g.setColor(-1); iy += options.fontHeight; } if (g.flip) g.flip(); }, select : function() { var item = items[menuItems[options.selected]]; if ("function" == typeof item) item(); }, move : function(dir) { options.selected = 0|Math.clip(options.selected+dir,0,menuItems.length-1); l.draw(); } }; l.draw(); return l; }; var menu = exports; // would be a require if this were a library A5.write(0); // GND A7.write(1); // VCC // Setup SPI var spi = new SPI(); spi.setup({ sck:B1, mosi:B10 }); var g,m; var mainmenu = { "" : { "title" : "-- Menu --" }, "Light On" : function() { LED1.set(); }, "Light Off" : function() { LED1.reset(); }, "Submenu" : function() { m=menu.list(g, submenu); }, }; var submenu = { "" : { "title" : "-- SubMenu --" }, "One" : undefined, "Two" : undefined, "< Back" : function() { m=menu.list(g, mainmenu); }, }; function onInit() { g = require("PCD8544").connect(spi,B13,B14,B15, function() { m = menu.list(g, mainmenu); }); } // Now just call things when buttons are pressed // m.move(1); moves down // m.move(-1); moves up // m.select(); selects item onInit();
Anyone think this would be worth turning into a 'proper' module?
• #5
Note: LCD is set up as in this tutorial
• #6
Thanks Gordon, I'll check it later on today, will try to use it under SSD1306, hope I can manage
• #7
Great! it should be fine with that - the default font is quite small.
Let me know if you've got any thoughts - I'd love to get this into a module as soon as possible really.
• #8
hi, still fighting with it ;) could you tell me how to change font size ;)
ok, I've got it, it was in the graphic library, g.setFontVector(..);
every day I see more and more how easy Espruino is ;) -
• #9
Great! :)
Actually if you want some fonts that look a bit better, you can load in Bitmap fonts as well: http://www.espruino.com/Fonts
I Wonder how to make simple menu for LCD or OLED ssd1306, I know how to create it in arduino programming style using switch case function, are here any samples about that?