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  • Thanks! Yes, those are great ideas. I'd forgotten about connecting the extra IOs. I guess connecting GPIO0 would be great too, as it'd then allow firmware updates without having to connect any external wires.

    Any thoughts about the mechanical changes? It's actually quite hard to do because you need to get 3.3v and GND past the set of 0.05" pins. See the picture of the layout below.

    As far as I can see, options are:

    • Remove some of the 0.05" pins, so there's room for GND and 3.3v wires to go through
    • Turn some of the 0.05" pins into surface mount pads. Ideally I wouldn't turn all of them, as the through-holes are good for alignment and also provide more strength.

    I have also heard some rumors that ESP8266 should be soon available in BT version!?

    Wow, that would be interesting!

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    • Screenshot from 2015-08-11 08:42:48.png

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