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  • I'm not sure it really needs a joystick? I find the 4 pushbuttons just fine - and after all, the Gameboy didn't have a joystick either.

    Something like that joystick is probably quite hard to source, but you can buy the buttons from anywhere, and for a few pence each. I guess it might be possible to add connections for both, but having through-hole is a total pain as it'd make it hard to fit the coin cell onto the reverse of the board.

    The other option is just to put a hole in the PCB between the 4 buttons, and then it'd be relatively easy to 3d print a lever-like thing that could turn the 4 buttons into a joystick.

  • The other option is just to put a hole in the PCB between the 4 buttons, and then it'd be relatively easy to 3d print a lever-like thing that could turn the 4 buttons into a joystick.

    Which is what the original gameboy did - it didn't have a joy stick, but the directional pad was rigid, like such a lever-like thing.


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