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  • Sometimes I got it working by just adding a few white space characters.

    Ok, I'd think that was almost certainly that there's something in your code that is taking a long time to execute during the code upload? Maybe that build is marginally slower than the last and so it suddenly starts having problems.

    In that case, if it breaks after upload, try [Ctrl+C]echo(1)[Enter]. The echo won't display until you hit enter after it. You should then get a console back and be able to step back in command history and see what the last correct bit of code was.

    It sometimes happens if you:

    • defined and executed some large closure function
    • Executed a function that took a while to execute
    • initialised some bit of hardware in the root scope (eg. not in onInit) and then had a load of code after it
    • pulled in some large modules - although that happens less often now it seems

    As a start, try doing any function calls you need to initialise from inside onInit, rather than in the root scope.

    I can not find a bin file for the most recent commit:

    Argh. The joys of Python :( Looks like the build machine has an older version of python in that doesn't contain a library function I just started using (in order to get better version numbers). I'll have to fix that, but it'll be tomorrow now.


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