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  • Can you open Console, click All Messages, then plug the device in?

    I bet you'll see AppleUSBCDCACMControl: start - Failed to find the CDC driver

    I just tried it on my wife's 10.6.8 Mac. Now this is especially frustrating because it used to work. The Mac was one of the devices I tested the original Espruino boards on, but presumably Apple have sent a sw update that's somehow removed the CDC driver!

    If you Google that error you'll find loads of complaints, for TI boards, certain Arduino boards, and even one for the very similar Micro Python board.

    I'm not honestly sure what to suggest right now - I'm just updating her Mac again to see if that fixes it. Otherwise as @allObjects says, you could try running something like Ubuntu in a VM to see if yo uhave any luck there.


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