@alexanderbrevig Hey, don't apologise, just happy you made a stab at it to get me started.
I've actually come up against a bit of a showstopper here. I think I'm getting sensible values back from the sensor with a raw read of values. However, I cannot use any of the compensated functions as some values required are simply not set.
Looking at the Arduino code (which I confirmed works just fine on my Arduino Uno this morning) here and look at line 50 for example there is a variable from the compStruct called
and various others of the form dig_Tx and dig_Px (defined in the header file here starting at line 129).
I cannot see anywhere in the Arduino code where these values get set, hence Alexander's code also won't have set them. dig_Hx (Humidity) are set and I am getting a sensible looking humidity value (although not temperature compensated yet)
So can someone who is Arduino fluent take a look at the EA code from @ianharris and tell me where the dig_Tx and dig_Px values get set.
I've been looking at this all day and I'm sure I'm missing something but I just cannot see it.
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@alexanderbrevig Hey, don't apologise, just happy you made a stab at it to get me started.
I've actually come up against a bit of a showstopper here. I think I'm getting sensible values back from the sensor with a raw read of values. However, I cannot use any of the compensated functions as some values required are simply not set.
Looking at the Arduino code (which I confirmed works just fine on my Arduino Uno this morning) here and look at line 50 for example there is a variable from the compStruct called
and various others of the form dig_Tx and dig_Px (defined in the header file here starting at line 129).
I cannot see anywhere in the Arduino code where these values get set, hence Alexander's code also won't have set them. dig_Hx (Humidity) are set and I am getting a sensible looking humidity value (although not temperature compensated yet)
So can someone who is Arduino fluent take a look at the EA code from @ianharris and tell me where the dig_Tx and dig_Px values get set.
I've been looking at this all day and I'm sure I'm missing something but I just cannot see it.