• #2
@alexanderbrevig just out of curiousity, do you use any ad blocking software? When I use adguard, sometimes I receive timeout errors on websites. Although, I've never personally come across the error you received.
• #3
It was pretty bad earlier (though I never got the error message). This forum is kinda flaky in general. Always seems to have been that way.
• #4
Does this happen at any particular time of day? When I use it I rarely have problems, but it might be that it starts to have problems as more people (on other forums hosted by the same server) start to use it?
It's a bit frustrating because the service is provided for free, and seems really good at avoiding spam (I run another forum for Morphyre powered by phorum, and that's had 4 spam posts in the past day alone). It's all Open Source, so it may be that in a few months I'll get around to writing a new backend for it that'll run on the main espruino.com server and will be a bit more simple and stable :)
• #5
If you do will you host the fork on github? I'd like to add an RSS feed. Having an Espruino alert me new posts would be a bit meta and very cool :)
It usually happens happens around 1 am your time, in my experience
I'm having 20sec+ load times on the forum. And the occasional: