@alexanderbrevig This might be too soon for me to ask... I was wondering how far you have gotten with the WizziMotes? I purchased a couple of panStamps, one for the Gateway and one to connect to the Espruino. The panStamps can be used as standalone, but I plan to communicate back and forth between the espruino and the panStamp either I2C or uart. I've gotten no where on utilizing AES encryption and gave up on the idea and resorted to your idea of off loading encryption to another chip. Since the panStamp does:
CTR is implemented in the CC430AES class, which is the cipher method
used by SWAP. CTR, unlike some other methods, allows encrypting and
decrypting variable-length packets. First four bytes from the packet
(destination, source, hop/secu and nonce) are used as the initial
nonce for the CTR algorithm.I plan to program the panStamp to send any incoming packages to the espruino and vise verse. I shall see how that idea works. I don't have any of the boards yet and hope to receive them either this week or the next.
I'm currently working with DASH7 and not incidentally I have access to both STM32 and CC430 on my board. I'll report sizes etc when I get the parts and everything set up. Of cource, if I ever end up porting it to an Espruino library (I think it will happen, but probably not until after first protos are up and running using the cc430) I will post it for everyone to use :)
If my design is flawed I also have access to a few WizziMotes from WizzeMote so sooner or later I'll post some info on Espruino and Dash7 :)