The test leads are measuring the second capacitor from the PWM line, the schematic I've replicated can be found here: http://youtu.be/I4ED_8cuVTU?t=11m11s
There is actually a drop in voltage from 5000 Htz to 10000 Htz and I just noticed a weird thing where the Capacitor's Voltage actually increases when you use digitalWrite(C9,0) and will only start discharging when you use digitalRead(C9)... also, if you look at the line of code I ran just before running the first digitalRead(C9), you will see that the output was 0 and yet I got a 1 on that pre-test... no idea what was going on there...
I'm using 47uF capacitors, diodes that have a .7 forward voltage drop, 10K potentiometer and a 76ohm resistor
Just to add that yes, it does work as a tripler. I get 8.64v out of it with the 4 caps and 4 diodes from his circuit.
Are you sure you've wired it up right? I did mine wrong the first time (connecting the diode from the second set of capacitors to 3.3v not the output of the previous voltage doubler), and I just got 6v off it again.