• Hi,

    Yes, that sensor would work fine with longer wires (it sends ~2 second pulses when it detects movement IIRC). While you could join a bunch of jumper wires and it'd work I'd suggest you make longer ones (because chances are that with all the shaking one of the connectors will fall apart at some point!).

    However I do have some bad news I'm afraid. Those Pyroelectric motion sensors work by detecting changes in heat - so they'll detect humans and animals, but I'm afraid it's really unlikely that they'll detect balls :(

    You could use something like this but you'd want to cut it in half and then mount each half facing each other. If you follow the link on there to eBay you can even buy a little module (you don't need it) but it's got a light and a potentiometer so you can easily test it and tweak the sensitivity (again, you'd have to unsolder the LED or detector and then move them to the other side of the goal).


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